Sunday, September 28, 2014

Belgium is the Perfect Getaway!

 And my sister, Elise, is the perfect travel companion!
 I was supposed to be taking classes this summer, but when plans changed, I was able to accompany Elise on her trip to Belgium, thanks to my mother's help.
 I saw  beautiful architecture and art work, walked thru great parks, and tasted the sweetest treats.
 I got to escape the pressures of home and meander down cobblestone streets without a worry in my head.
 I saw world famous places at the peak of the the World Cup! (That's the Manneken Pis sporting a Belgium uniform, in Brussels) 
Most memorable though, was getting to travel and see it all with a seasoned traveler who let me tag along and soak up the romance of this great country.  Thanks Elise!  Some highlights follow.

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